By how many percent the number has changed

The calculator on this page will help you quickly calculate how a number has changed as a percentage. For example, if you had a number 111 and now you have 222, how much of a percentage change has the number changed? By entering both values, you can easily get the result.




The change amounted to %

Quantitative change:

Percentage calculation formula = (B-A)/A*100,
A = Reference value
B = End value


  • Task: The starting value is 4523 and the ending value is 6559. By how many percent has the number changed?

    The solution: Using a calculator, the number 4523 has increased by 45%

  • Task: The workers salary was 25500 roubles. After indexation it became 27400. By how much did the workers wages increase?

    The solution: If you enter the corresponding values into the calculator, you get a wage increase of 7.4%

  • Task: Gasoline originally cost 45 cent, but after an instruction from above, the price was reduced to 44 cent per litre. By how many percent has the number changed?

    The solution: Using the calculator, it is easy to see that the price has fallen by 2.2%